Friday, July 8, 2011

Who Am I???

So I've finished my final lesson plan for this class, my final lesson plan for my master plus 60. I'm not one for saying that something is surreal because it's a cliche nowadays (and I am bothered by most cliches), but it is definitely surreal. I think through the process of taking classes above my masters the most worthwhile ones were those where I go to do something that I felt had worth.

And it is because of that idea that I decided to use the "Soundtrack of Your Life" project as my final lesson. The kids LOVE this project. I cannot take full credit for it as one of my colleagues first used something similar in her class, but each year I deviate further and further from her original idea and feel that I have truly made it my own. It is the final project I do with my kids before the year is out and their presentations have been spectacular. From the meek to the flamboyant, every kid has had something special to contribute. Answering the question, "who am I?" is not always the easiest but these kids always make me proud to be an educator with their responses. They are so comfortable sharing a small part of themselves with me (and their classmates) that it is truly one of the highlights of my year.

Here are the links to the lesson plan and the project. I truly think it can be modified for any level...

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