Friday, July 1, 2011

Keep it moving...

So yesterday I got an email from RCC saying that I will be teaching English 101 and 102 next year to seniors at Ramapo High School. It's an exciting opportunity for me because I get to finally teach a senior level class. And being that seniors don't normally take classes too seriously, it's nice to be teaching one that they'll be receiving college credit for so that there is less (I'm not an idiot and saying no) fooling around and slacking off!
It's the first time that our school is offering the course so pretty much the only materials I'll have is what I can beg, borrow, and steal from the people over at RCC. Because of this, I decided to create my first google doc for this course based on the English 101 course. I figure it might be a good idea to start planning on July 1st as opposed to September 1st for a change...
Here's the link..


  1. That sounds like an exciting opportunity, I have a friend who teaches senior English at Suffern High School if you'd like me to reach out to him for materials etc. It might be a good connection. Otherwise with all your "techieness" I am sure you will either find what you need or create it yourself.

  2. I wonder if I know him. I'm a Suffern graduate and have cousins in the school still...

  3. You are really doing an outstanding job. All with a baby at home??? Very impressed with your quality of posts. Congratulations on your college level classes. Let's hope the kids take it seriously.

  4. I try to do everything before he wakes up in the morning!! SOmetimes it works, others he "helps" me -- very smart for a 4 1/2 month old.
