Sunday, July 10, 2011

That's all folks

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited to be finished with this class. However, let me clarify my previous statement. Although the class was useful and helped me to get a head start on next year's curriculum, I now have 60 credits above my masters, something I had hoped t accomplish by the end of my 30th year of life -- mission accomplished... barely...
It's both a blessing and a relief. I feel that throughout the journey to a masters plus sixty I've come across a couple things that I can actually use on a daily basis in my classroom, mostly through my East Ramapo Teacher's Center classes. Between creating a useful website, using google docs for things like forms and presentations, the plethora of smartboard lessons that I have created, and the overall investment that I have made into my students through the classes, I can honestly say that there were many positive experiences. Thus being said, I hope that the teacher's center is around long enough to afford (no pun intended) this opportunity to my colleagues in the East Ramapo School District.
As my final assignment for this class, I have created a survey for my juniors to have them fill out prior to really starting class so that I can tailor my lessons towards their needs rather than just guessing. The survey is based around the New YOrk State Regents Exam in English and I hope that it is something that I can use in years to come...
Here's the link:

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