Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ending where I began...

Starting my last class for my masters +60 is a surreal experience, even if it means that I have to do half of the work with one hand while holding my four month old son in my arm. I would remiss if I did not mention Nicholas, even though he does not directly relate to the class, he is my motivation and a representation of all that is good in this world. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited about completing the daunting task of taking all of these classes, but I would also be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy all of the technology classes that I have taken along the way. I began this journey with obtaining a Masters in Instructional Technology and I think it's only apropos that I am ending it on the same path; although I feel that the path will never truly end for me.

Now that I have be afforded the opportunity to take the Google tools class, I must make time to go on the computer daily and play around with different applications and forms that I have been saying "oh, I want to do that" for months on end. Time is of the essence these days and being "forced" to have "me" time is actually a good thing. I'm really looking forward to delving into the world of Google even further and affording my students the same opportunity. Writing and photography are two things that I have always been passionate about and now I can get credit by way of my passion, what's better than that? I've been using Google Docs for years, but was only scratching the surface. Now, with the addition of flubaroo to my "bag of tricks" I can be even for environmentally savvy as well as technologically; two things I love about using the internet. By looking into Picnik, I can tap into my creative side and create all of the interesting pictures that my students have incorporated into their projects over the past couple of years. I will be able to say, "oh, I know how to do that" instead of thinking, "I really need to look into that program" thus fostering my creative itch.

So without further ado, here I go, ending where I began...